Saturday 10 September 2016

70 year old man robbed a bank to run away from his wife, lol

Lawrence John Ripple, 70, reportedly told the cops that he just robbed a bank because he want to go to jail than continue living with his wife. According to his affidavit, he wrote a request note in front of his wife and told her that he will rather go to jail than to continue his life with her under the same roof, walked into kansas City, Kan, bank a teller a not the read, "I have a gun, give me the money"

The teller handed over a bag of cash and instead of running away with the money with the cash, sat in the bank lobby until police arrived minute later, According to the Kansas City Star.

He is said to have told a security guard who approached him that he was the "guy he was looking for."

Ripple, who stand to faces federal charges, later told FBI agents that he and his wife had been in a fight and he did not "want to be in that situation." 

When women push men to wall, they might just be willing to go for the worse!


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